Regular babysitting 18 mo. old

We are looking for a regular babysitter for our 18 mo. old son. Willing to hire multiple people if necessary.  Our greatest need is Friday afternoons from 12:50-3:30 or 5 (flexible end time based on your schedule).  Also needed Tuesday and Wednesday from about 2-5. There may be occasions we could ask for time on Monday or Thursday if you have availability.  We also have a 5-year-old who is in school all day during the week, but we may occasionally ask for evening or weekend babysitting for both kids if you are available.  We are looking to hire ASAP, so please reach out. Ideally, we'd love to meet you and have you babysit a time or two to make sure it is a good fit for both our family and you.  If you have any availabilty/ interest in babysitting even if it's being on a call list for those random evenings/ weekends feel free to reach out.  Emily 360-920-6610 (call or text is okay)

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