Summer Internship at Believers Fellowship: Believers Fellowship is looking for a Children’s Ministry Intern. We are a non-denominational, multi-generational church with an emphasis on seeing families grow in their walks with God. Fun fact: our congregation is made up mostly of KIDS! Internship Overview: This is a great opportunity to grow, learn, and make a kingdom impact! You will experience working in a healthy church as you serve alongside a team of Children’s Ministry (CM) staff here. Summer ministry does look different than “school year” ministry. We give our regular teachers a much-needed break ... and we ask the congregation to step in and help teach the kids! This requires a lot of planning and preparing, but it’s a wonderful way to get to know people. As an intern, you’ll experience a variety of roles that include teaching, curriculum development, relational work with students, program/event planning, volunteer management, and craft prep (who doesn’t love glitter glue and stickers?!?). Responsibilities: - Support CM team by helping to create, develop, and organize large events and Sunday School curriculum (Summer ALL family event, Memory Verse dinner, Summer Bible Study for 4th and 5th grade, Class Parties, etc.) - Develop, prepare, and teach lessons for the elementary summer Sunday School program and Bible Studies - Disciple students through a Bible study specifically designed for 4th and 5th grade students - Grow in your faith while reading and studying about ministry along with the CM Director Compensation: -The Position is paid a stipend (decided by our Compensation Committee). We hire our interns for 10 weeks from late May to Early August. Must be 18 years of age or older Compensation: -The Position is paid an $2500 stipend. -We provide a free host home stay for summer interns. -We do not provide health care or benefits for our summer interns. -We provide a vehicle for interns as well! We hire our interns from late May to early August, depending on availability. We also have a policy that you must be 21 years of age to work with High School students, 19 to work with Middle School, 18 to work with elementary school. How to apply: If interested, please email 1.) Your current resume AND 2.) A cover letter about your faith, your future plans, and why you love working with kids (no more than 750 words) to: Heidi Kempston (Children’s Ministry Director)

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