Terms & Conditions
Welcome to Bruinboards sponsored by George Fox University.
Members of George Fox University with an active username and password have direct access to this site and can post their own advertisements.
By accessing and interacting with our servers you agree to these terms of use:
You acknowledge that this site is owned by George Fox University.
The administrators of this site have the right to delete any content that is deemed to be, but not restricted to:
- Misleading
- Unsolicited
- Unlawful
- Disrespectful
You agree that we may moderate Bruinboards access by deleting or blocking any user or information that is unacceptable.
You acknowledge that George Fox University is not responsible for the content of the postings.
Please delete your personally posted advertisements when they are no longer needed.
The site administrator reserves the right to delete your advertisement as needed.
George Fox University or Bruinboards will NOT sell your personal information for any reason.
George Fox University, or Bruinboards, is not responsible for scammers or people who are misrepresenting themselves.
George Fox University will not distribute your names or emails for any reason.
People not affiliated with GFU who wish to post jobs, click on this link: https://www.georgefox.edu/offices/career-academic-planning/employers/index.html#questions
If you have any questions, concerns, or need to report any offensive content, please email: