*Purpose statement/Disclaimer statement:
The housing information listed is voluntarily submitted by George Fox students, employees, and persons of the community at large. Students and employees post their own information. Persons of the community at large post their ads through the bruinboards@georgefox.edu email address.
No attempts are made to screen the person or living situation of those who submit the off-campus housing ads. It is the responsibility of the student or employee of George Fox University to contact the person listing the ad and appropriately screen the living situation.
The university does NOT get involved with any arrangements or situations with the students or landlords.
All students and employees of George Fox University are required to live according to the community standards established by the University.
Each ad is listed at the discretion of the administrator. Ads are posted as written, copied, and pasted as-is.
To remove the ad you must email bruinboards@georgefox.edu or the ad may be posted until you ask for it to be removed.
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Ads can be re-submitted in their entirety to the bruinboards@georgefox.edu email address. We do not have the ability to save each ad for re-posting.
Thank you,
The Bruinboard Administrator - bruinboards@georgefox.edu
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Room for Rent - possibly in exchange for childcare
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Rooms for Rent at $700 a piece starting 05/01/2025
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