I have a room for rent in Newberg. The address is 1034 E Ginger Root Ct. Right down by Rodger’s Landing. Actually, the closest house to the river!
It’s 1 bedroom 1 bath, with the entire downstairs available to the renter, aside from the garage, which would be shared between myself and my roommate, plus whatever storage the renter would need.
The home is a 3 level new construction, a little shy of 2000sq ft, 3 total bedrooms, and 3.5bath. The renter would have access to a full kitchen and laundry room as well as the bedroom and private bathroom.
I’m asking $1,250 per month, but willing to negotiate if needed. The rent would cover their lodging, utilities, etc… all in one payment. Wifi is included, as well. Preferably, a male would work best for me.
In room discussed, I have a full sized trundle bed available to be used my renter.
I can be reached at:
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